ABOUT DANCE is a community education program created by Karlovsky & Company Dance. In these lecture-performance programs, we present various topics regarding dance as an art form targeting all ages and particularly older adult populations. This is an exciting program for our company as we are committed to the expansion and exposure of contemporary modern dance in our community through intelligent discourse and engaging live performance.
Karlovsky & Company Dance is dedicated to the enrichment of our community's artistic and cultural climate. The ABOUT DANCE program fulfills our company interest in and ability to bring educational and entertaining programs to the public. We believe this is much needed in our community as there are few opportunities for adult populations to learn about dance as an art form, and to experience the process involved in dance-making. We bring the ABOUT DANCE lecture/performances to senior residential centers, community centers, and public libraries to make this program more accessible to older individuals and the general community who have limited ability and accessibility to dance performances, or who have limited exposure to the art form of dance.
Our second program is focused on arts education for children. We offer the ABOUT DANCE (for Kids) program presenting lecture/performances for assemblies or after-school programs in local elementary and middle schools to strengthen children’s understanding of dance as an art form by providing an educational, entertaining, and interactive experience for the students.
We have several established programs that can be tailored to fit your needs and interests serving adult populations through ABOUT DANCE, and school-aged children through ABOUT DANCE (for Kids). All our ABOUT DANCE programs are accompanied with live music. Below are some topics that we present:
DANCE AS HUMAN EXPRESSION – emphasizes the subject of non-verbal communication by exhibiting how we express ourselves through gesture, touch, and body-language.
MOVING MEMORIES – demonstrates dance as inspired by memories. Karlovsky & Company Dance examines how memories and past experiences cycle through generations and informs our current perspectives.
EXPLORING DANCE THROUGH POETRY – highlights the relationship and influences between poetry, movement, and music.
THE EXPERIENCE OF TIME - How have you experienced TIME? Do you keep track of time based on the tasks and events in your life? The company introduces their creative process in dance as inspired by different conceptions and perceptions of time.
DISCOVERING DANCE – provides an inside look at the creative process involved in dance-making.
AMERICAN ROOTS OF CONTEMPORARY DANCE – features the evolution of modern dance in America throughout the 20th century.
We look forward to sharing our dance with you. Contact: Dawn Karlovsky, Founder and Artistic Director,
314-283-1851 or email us at: info@karlovskydance.org
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